Bungener, Fielix

Bungener, Fielix a French Protestant theologian, -was born at Marseilles, Sept. 29, 1814. From 1832 to 1838 he studied theology at Geneva, and was ordained -in the latter year. In 1843 he was placed at the head of the Genevan college, which position he occupied till 1848. He then retired from public activity, occupying himself mostly with writing in behalf of the Evangelical Church, and died June 14, 1874. He is best known as the author of Histoire du Concile de Trente (1847, 2 vols.; Eng. transl. by J. M'Clintock, :New York, 1855; Germ. transl., Stuttgart, 1861) :-Rome -et la Bible, Manuel du Controversiste Evangelique (1859): --Rome et ta Cceur Humain, Etudes sur le Catholicisme (1861) :--Pape et Concile au xix Siecle (1870) :-Rome ῥet le Vrai (1873) :-Saint Paul, sa Vie, son (Euvre. et ses _Epitres (1867):-Calvin, sa Vie, son (Euvre, ses Ecrits (1863) :-Souvenirs de Noel (1859) :--Christ et le Siecle (1856). A volume of Sermons were published after his ldeath, in 1875. See Gaberel, Felix Bungener, in the Ettrennes Religieuses (1875); Bouvier, in Lichtenberger's Encyclopedie des Sciences Religieuses, s.v.; Zuchold, Bibl. Theol. i, 201. (B. P.)

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