
Calf (prop. עֵגֶל, e'gel, μόσχος; fem. עֶגלָה, eglah', δάμαλις; sometimes פִּו or פָּו par, a steer or young bullock; also periphrastically בֶּן בָּקָר, son ofthe herd), the young of the ox species. SEE BEEVE; SEE BULL, etc. There is frequent mention in Scripture of calves, because they were made use of commonly in sacrifices. The "fatted calf" was regarded by the Hebrews as the choicest animal food. It was stall-fed, frequently with special reference to a particular festival or extraordinary sacrifice (1Sa 28:24; Am 6:4; Lu 15:23). The allusion in Jer 34:18-19, is to an ancient custom of ratifying a contract or covenant, in the observance of which an animal was slain and divided, and the parties passed between the parts (comp. Homer, II. in, 20'), signifying their willingness to be so divided themselves if they failed to perform their covenant (Ge 15:9-10,17-18). The expression "calves of our lips," in Ho 14:2, is figurative, signifying the fruits of our lips (Wolf, Juvenci labiorum, Viteb. 1711). As calves were used in sacrifices, the injunction requires us to render the sacrifice of prayer and praise to God, instead of the animal sacrifice (Heb 13:15). SEE HEIFER.

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