Calixt, Frtedrich Ulrich

Calixt, Frtedrich Ulrich a Lutheran theologian son of George Calixt, was born at Helmstadt, March 8, 1622. He studied at his native place, and, after completing his curriculum, travelled extensively. Having returned, he was made doctor of theology, and was soon appointed professor of theology, member of consistory, and abbot of Konigslutter, He died Jan. 13, 1701. He took an active part in the controversies which his father had with Calov and others, and edited also some of his works, as, Responsum Maledicis Moguntio,. Theologorum pro Romani Pontificis Infallibilitate, etc. (Helmstadt, 1672):-Disputt. 15 de Praecipuis Christ. Relig. Capitib. (ibid. 1658):- Tractatus Diversi de Peccato (ibid. 1659) :-Fascic. Programmatum- et Dissesrtationum de Persona Christi (ibid. 1663) De Igno Pursuatorio (ibid. 1650). See Pipping, Memorice Theologorum; Jocher, Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexikon, s.v.; Winer, Handbuch der theol. Lit. i, 404, 408. 431, 435. 468, 653. (B. P.)

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