Camm (Nee Newby), Anne

Camm (Nee Newby), Anne, a minister of the Society of Friends, was born at Kendal, England, in August, 1627. While residing in London, whither she had been sent to complete her education, she became a Christian, and united with the Puritans. Her first marriage was with John Audland (q.v.)j and both husband and wife soon joined the Society of Friends, and, not long after, she was recognised as a minister in that denomination. More than once, in her early; ministry, she was arrested and thrown into prison, and kept there, at one time, for a year and a half. Her husband died in 1663, and subsequently she married Thomas Camm, another minister among the Friends. After a life of remarkable usefulness, during which she passed through great sufferings for conscience' sake, she died, Sept. 30, 1705. See Friends' Library, i, 473-479. (J. C. S.)

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