Camp, Abraham

Camp, Abraham, a German preacher; was a native of Cologne. He became a member of the Jesuit order in 1688, and studied belles-lettres at Aix-la Chapelle, and theology at Treves. Having preached with great success at Dusseldorf, he was placed at the head of the new missions established in the duchies of Juliers and Berg, and held that position until his death, which occurred at Dusseldorf, Feb. 26,1696. He wrote, Aquila Grandis Magnarum Alarum: — Lessus Oratarius et Poeticus Funebris Serenissince Marice-Annce- Josephac Austriacce (Dusseldorf, 1689). See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.

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