Campbell, John N, Dd

Campbell, John N., D.D., a Presbyterian minister, was born in Philadelphia, March 4,1798. He was baptized by the Rev. Robert Annan, pastor of the old Scotch Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, and in connection with that church he received his early religious training. He was a pupil of the celebrated teacher, James Ross, and afterwards became a student in the University of Pennsylvania. After studying for some time under the preceptorship of Dr Ezra Stiles Ely, he went to Virginia, where he continued his theological studies, and became connected, as professor of languages, with Hampden-Sidney College. He was licensed to: preach by the Presbytery of Hanover in May, 1817. The first two or three years after licensure he remained in Virginia, and preached in various places. In the fall of 1820 he was chosen chaplain to Congress. He afterwards returned to Virginia and preached for some time in Petersburg, and also went into North Carolina, and was instrumental in establishing the first Presbyterian Church in Newbern. In 1823 he returned to the District of Columbia, and for more than a year was an assistant of Rev. Dr. Balch of Georgetown. In 1824 he took charge of the New York Avenue Church in Washington city, where his great popularity quickly filled the place of worship. In January. 1825, he was elected one of the managers of the American Colonization Society, and for six years discharged the duties of that office with great ability and fidelity. In: 1831 he became pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Albany, N.Y. In 1836 he was appointed a director of the Theological Seminary at Princeton, which office he held till the close of his life. He was scarcely ever absent from his pulpit, and his rare executive abilities were called into requisition outside of his profession. For many years he was one of; the regents of the university of the state of New Jersey. He died suddenly, March 27,1864. Dr. Campbell, possessed great energy of mind and decision of character, and, though he had a delicate frame, his endurance and vigor were wonderful, enabling him to accomplish a great amount of work; and his experience of the world, added. to a natural shrewdness, made him an adept in the knowledge of human nature. As a preacher, he was clear, evangelical, and animated. His sermons were carefully prepared, but written in a character only legible to himself, and then they were delivered with a graceful ease and freedom which made them appear to those who listened as if they were the productions of a moment. They were brief and logical, and easily remembered. See Wilson, Presb. Hist. Almanac, 1865, p. 79. .,(W.. P. S.)

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