Candy, William T

Candy, William T., a Wesleyan Methodist minister, was born at Salisbury, England, Feb. 15,1814. He 'was converted at nineteen; entered the ministry in 1834; travelled two years in Wales; attended the theological institution; was sent to St. Domingo; labored in the West India mission for fifteen years; and, on account of prostration of health, was permitted by the British Conference to labor in New Brunswick. His undaunted fidelity during the cholera scourge of 1854 secured him lasting remembrance. During the last eight years of his life he was the subject of wasting illness, the result of the climate, persecutions, etc., of the West Indies. In 1869 he removed to Chicago, Ill., where he died, July 27, 1871. See Minutes of Conferences of Eastern British America, 1872, p. 7.

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