

(1) a bishop who writes to Augustine, sending him two books which had been recommended to him by one Argyrius. Augustine found them to be Priscillianist writings, and to include an apocryphal hymn said to have been sung by Christ and his disciples before they went out to the Mount of Olives (Augustine, Epist. 237 [253]; Labbe, Concil. 2, 1034).

(2) The above may be the same as the bishop who, in A.D. 441, signs the canons of the Council of Orange, and who writes, in conjunction with Salonius and Veranus, to pope Leo,' begging him to correct their copy of his letter to Flavian, and thanking him for the ability with which lie provided for the prevention, as well as the cure, of heresy (Labbe, Concil. 3, 1434, 1452).

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