
Chalcidius, according to Fabricius (Bibl. Lat. lib. 3, 100:7), a Christian Platonist of the 4th century. Others place him in the 6th century. He translated the Timaeus of Plato, and added a commentary. Cave (Hist. Lit. Saec. 4, an. 330) doubts whether he was pagan or Christian. Lardner says, "I dare not be positive; but to me it seems that he was a polite Platonic philosopher, who was willing to be on good terms with Christians, and I place him, with Cave, about A.D. 330." In his Commentary on Timaeus he refers to the O. and N.T. repeatedly, and mentions the "star in the East." Lardner, Works, 7:570; Brucker, Hist. Crit. Philippians 3:472; Murdoch's Mosheim, Church History, bk. 2, cent. 4, pt. 1, § 18, note; Cudworth, Intell. System (Lond. 1845), 2:463 sq.

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