Chatenier, Bernard

Chatenier, Bernard, a French prelate, native of Montpellier, distinguished himself by his knowledge of civil and canon law. He settled at Rome, and was auditor of the. sacred palace under Gregory X. After having been chaplain of the pope and archdeacon in the Church of Narbonne, he was appointed to the bishopric of Alb in 1276. Nicholas III commissioned- him to make inquests in the diocese of Lod-eve against those who had usurpated church benefices, and Philippe le Bel sent him to Rome to procure the canonization of St. Louis. In 1306 Chatenier was transferred to the see of Le Puv in Velasy. He was made cardinal by pope John XXII in 1316, and died at Avignon., Aug. 14,1317. - See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.

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