
Chen'ani (Hebrews Kenani´, כּנָנַי, probably abridged from כּנִניָה, Chenaniah; Sept. Χανανί v. r. Χωνενί), one of the Levites who offered the public prayer on the occasion of the fast at the return from the captivity (Ne 9:4). B.C. 459. By the Sept. the word "Bani" (בני) preceding is read υἱοί (like others adjoining), as if meaning "sons of Chenani." This reading is very probable, for there is not only another Bani in the verse, but one of Kennicott's MSS. (180), and six of De Eossi's, read בּטֵי כּנָנַי, "sons of Chenani," instead of בָּנַי כּ8, "Bani, Chenani" (for there is no conjunction in the original). The Peshito version assimilates the names of verse 4 to those of verse 5, omits Chenani. and in place of it reads Pethahia. In the omission of Chenani, it is supported by the Cod. Frid.-August of the Sept., which omits υἱοὶ Χωνενί (prima mana). The Vulgate and A. V., adhering to the Masoretic pointing, insert "and."

Bible concordance for CHENANI.

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