Colby, John

Colby, John a Baptist minister, was born in Sandwich, N.H., December 9, 1787, but at fifteen years of age moved to what is now Sutton, Vermont. He made a profession of his faith by baptism December 8, 1805, about four years after was licensed to preach, was ordained November 30, 1809, and spent nearly the whole of 1811 in New Hampshire as an itinerant. His work was greatly blessed, revivals of religion everywhere following his labors, especially in Montville, Maine, where many were converted. Mr. Colby continued his itinerant work for the next year or two, visiting many sections of New England, and preaching with great zeal and unction. On his way south for the benefit of his health, he died at Norfolk, Virginia, December 23, 1818. See Barrett, Memoirs of Eminent Ministers, pages 55-63. (J.C.S.)

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