Condo, Eli E

Condo, Eli E.

a Methodist Episcopal minister, was born July 12, 1846, in East Germantown, Indiana. He was converted in 1863, entered the ministry in 1866, was ordained deacon in 1868, and elder in 1871. In 1873 and 1874 he edited the Carthage Advance, Missouri. He joined the St. Louis Conference in 1878, his previous labors having been in connection with the Evangelical Association. He perished in the tornado which swept over Marshfield, Missouri, April 18, 1880. Mr. Condo was a man of fine ability, scholarly attainments, unblemished character, and a good preacher. See Minutes of Annual Conferences, 1881, page 95; Evangelical Messenger, May 25, 1880.

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