Cooper, Robert (3)

Cooper, Robert (3)

a missionary of the Church of England, was a native of Wales. He was sent to South Carolina in 1758, and became rector of Prince William parish. The following year he was chosen assistant minister of St. Philip's Church, Charleston. St. Michael's Church was opened in February 1761, and from that year until June, 1776, he was its rector. His parishioners declared the pulpit vacant because he espoused the royal cause. Afterwards he went to England and received a pension of one hundred pounds yearly in consideration of his sacrifices for the king. Soon after he was appointed joint curate and joint lecturer at St. Andrew's, Holborn, and evening lecturer at St. Michael's, Cornhill, of which he afterwards became rector.

He died in England about 1812, more than eighty years of age. See Sprague, Annals of the Amer. Pulpit, 5:171.

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