Creizenach, Michael

Creizenach, Michael a Jewish rabbi of Germany, was born at Mayence, May 16, 1789. After a thorough study of the Talmud and the Jewish Scriptures, he began to read German, devoting all his leisure to the Kantian philosophy, while at the lyceum of his native place. In 1813 he opened a private seminary, which he conducted until 1825 when he was called as professor to the Philanthropinum at Frankfort-on-the-Main, where he died August 5, 1842. His main work is שֻלחָן עָרוּך, or Encyklopaedische Darstellwng des mosaischen Gesetzes (4 volumes); a work which called forth many criticisms from the orthodox party. See Furst, Bibl. Jud. 1:190 sq.; Kayserling, Bibliothek judischer Kanzelredner, i, 384 sq.; Jost, Michael Creiznach, in the Jahrbuch fur Israeliten (Vienna, 18.43), 2:79 sq.; Jost, Gesch. d. Juden. u.s. Sekten, 3:361. (B.P.)

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