Crisp, Edmund

Crisp, Edmund an English Congregational minister, was born at Hertford, June 26, 1796, of pious Nonconformist parents. In 1816 he entered the Missionary College at Gosport; in 1821 was ordained at Hertford and set sail for Madras, India, where he labored seven years, and then, removing to Combaconum, toiled seven years longer, until his health failed and he returned to England. In 1840 he again sailed for India, and became tutor at the college for training native pastors, at Bangalore. In 1848 Mr. Crisp finally returned to England because of sickness, travelled one year in aid of the missionary cause, preached four years at Grantham, travelled six years as representative of the Religious Tract Society, and, becoming one of the Association secretaries, settled at Ealing, where he remained until his death, November 6, 1877. See (Lond.) Cong. Year-book, 1878, page 311.

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