Dalbey, Joel

Dalbey, Joel a Methodist Protestant minister, was born in Ohio, June 1, 1810. He was converted in early life; in 1828 licensed to preach in the Methodist Episcopal Church; in 1859 joined the Methodist Protestant Church, and thereafter labored successively on various circuits in Ohio and Pennsylvania. In 1841 he was elected president of the Pittsburgh Conference, and in 1843 to the presidency of the Muskingum Conference; in 1846 was transferred to the Ohio Conference, but in 1851 removed to St. Charles County, Missouri, and settled on a farm. He next entered the Illinois Conference, and in 1860 joined, the North Iowa Conference, in which he labored until his death, November 22, 1869. See Bassett, History of the Meth. Protestant Church, page 379.

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