Danes, Pierre Louis

Danes, Pierre Louis a Flemish theologian, was born at Cassel, Flanders, in 1684. He taught philosophy at Louvain, was rector of St. James's at Antwerp in 1714, graduate-canon at Ypres in 1717, then president of the episcopal seminary, and penitentiary. In 1732 le returned to Louvain, and succeeded to Daelman in the chair of philosophy. He died at Louvain, May 28, 1736, leaving Institutiones Doctrinae Christiance (Louvain, 1713 and 1768; this is an abridgment of an excellent theological work): Orationes et Homilice (ibid. 1735): — De Fide, Spe et Charitate (ibid. eod.). See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.

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