Davis, Silas Newton

Davis, Silas Newton a Cumberland Presbyterian minister, was born in Livingston County, Kentucky, May 28, 1808. The Anderson Presbytery received him November 14, 1827; shortly after he entered a theological school conducted by Reverend Richard Beard, D.D., at McLemorsville, Tennessee; September 11, 1828, he was licensed as a probationer; the following year was appointed to what was called the Livingston district; after spending the summer in study at Cumberland College, was ordained in the fall of 1830; until 1834 his time was chiefly spent in itinerant work in Tennessee; for several years he was pastor of the Elkton Congregation; in 1850 he removed to Curberland College, and died September 26, 1854. See Beard, Biographical Sketches, 2d series, page 321.

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