
Dioscorin'thius (Διοσκορίνθιος, Vulg. Dioscorus) occurs in 2 Macc. 11:21, as the name of a Graeco-Seleucid month. Inasmuch as Dius (Δῖος) is the name of a well-known Macedonian month (the first of the year), which Josephus (Ant. 1:3, 3) says corresponds with the Jewish Miarchesvan, the name has been regarded (see Wernsdorf, Defide Maccab. page 32) as a corruption (through the form Διόσκουρος) for that month (Scaliger, Emend. Temp. 2:94), and by others as an intercalary month (but see Ideler, Chronolog. 1:399). SEE MONTH.

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