Downe, John

Downe, John a minister of the Church of England, was born in 1570, in Devonshire, and was educated at the University of Cambridge, where he passed B.D. in 1600. He was first presented to the vicarage of Winsford, and afterwards to the living of Instow, worth about a hundred pounds a year, where he spent his days in diligent and useful pastoral labor. His skill in the languages, particularly Hebrew, Greek, Latin, French, and Spanish, was extraordinary. He was diligent in expounding, catechizing, and preaching the Scriptures: in his ministry he went through the whole body of the Bible, from the beginning of Genesis to the end of Revelation. He died at Instow in 1631. — Middleton, Evangelical Biography (London. 1816), 3:36.

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