Durant, Henry, Lld

Durant, Henry, LL.D.

a Congregational minister and teacher, was born at Acton, Massachusetts, June 18, 1802; studied at Phillips Academy, Andover, and graduated from Yale College in 1827; for two years thereafter was principal of the Garrison Forrest Academy, in Baltimore County, Maryland; and in 1829 became tutor in Yale College. While in this position he pursued the course of study in the theological seminary, and graduated in 1833. December 25 of that year he was ordained pastor of the Byfield Church (Newbury), and was dismissed therefrom in 1849. Meanwhile, in 1847 and until 1851, he was principal of Dummer Academy, in Byfield. In April 1853, he went to California, and in June following opened the school in Oakland, and was. its principal until it became, the College of California in 1854. It was merged in the University of California in 1869. Up to that date Dr. Durant had been professor of ancient languages. From 1870 to 1872 he was president of the university, but, at the latter date, illness compelled him to resign. He died in Oakland, January 22, 1875. See Cong. Quarterly, 1876, page 423.

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