

one of the principal forms in which the consort of Siva (q.v.), the Hindu god, is represented. She is possessed of great power, leing endowed with the distinctive attributes of all the gods. She is generally represented with ten arms, each of which is supplied with a warlike weapon. She obtained the name of Durga in the following manner. In remote ages, a giant named Durga, having performed austerities of extraordinary merit in honor of Brahma, obtained his blessing, and with it great power. He conquered the three worlds; dethroned all the gods except the Trimurti; banished them from the heavens to the forests, and compelled them to worship him. Religion was abolished, and the Brahmins forsook the reading of the Vedas. The gods, in their distress, applied to Siva for assistance, and he prevailed upon Parvati, his wife, to attempt the destruction of the giant. She undertook the task. Durga set out to meet her with a grea. army, while she prepared to receive his attack with a thousand arms. A great conflict ensued, in which the giant and all his forces were destroyed. The gods immediately ascended their hitherto vacant thrones, and, in return for so signal a deliverance, immortalized the victory by transferring to the conquering goddess the name of Durga. She is extensively and enthusiastically worshipped throughout Eastern India. The wealthy natives have images of Durga in their houses, made of gold, silver, brass, copper. crystal, stone, or mixed metal, which are daily adored. Her ten-armed figure is approached with the utmost reverence. On either side images of her two sons are usually placed, and around her are commonly represented a multitude of demigoddesses, the companions of Durga in her wars. She is regarded as the patroness of thieves and robbers, who hold her in great veneration. For this reason the Dakvits or bandits of Bengal are scrupulous in their devotions to her, and before setting out on their marauding excursions dedicate to her a portion of the spoils to be taken. SEE KALI; SEE PARVATI.

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