Durham, James

Durham, James a Scotch divine, was born in West Lothian about 1622, and was educated at St. Andrews. He was ordained at thirty, and was a popular preacher, and (from 1650) professor of divinity in Glasgow. He died June 25, 1658. He published An Exposition of the Book of Job (Glasgow, 1649, 12mo): — An Exposition of the Song of Solomon (London, 1669, 4to): — A Commentary on the Book of Revelation (Amsterd. 1660, 4to; Glasgow, 1788, 4to): — A Commentary on the 53d Chapter of Isaiah (2 volumes, 8vo): — Exposition of the Commandments (London, 1675, 4to): Christ Crucified (7th ed., Glasgow, 1769, 8vo): — Sermons on the Riches of Christ (Berwick, 1794, 12mo). Howie, Scots Worthies, page 383.

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