Eckard, Heinrich

Eckard, Heinrich a Lutheran theologian of Germany, was born at Wetter, in Hesse, October 19, 1582. He studied at Marburg; was in 1601 pastor at Wildungen, in Waldeck, and in 1608 professor at Giessen; in 1610 he was superintendent at Frankenhausen, and in 1616 general superintendent at Altenburg, where he died, February 22, 1624, leaving, Quaestiones de Quibus inter Augustanae Confessionis Theologos et Calvinianos Disceptatur.: — Theologia Calvinianorum: Compendium Theologiae Patrum: Isagoge in Catechismum Lutheri: Analysis Epistolae Johannis: De Causa Meritoria Justificationis contra Piscatorem: De Ordine Ecclesiastico et Politico. See Jocher, Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexikon, s.v.; Winer, Handbuch der theol. Lit. 1:436. (B.P.)

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