Eckhard, Tobias (2)

Eckhard, Tobias

the younger, was born at Juterbogk, November 1, 1662. He studied at Wittenberg, where he also lectured after completing his studies. In 1691 he was called as con-rector to Stade, in 1704 to Quedlinburg, and died there, December 13, 1737, leaving, De Immutabilitate Dei (Wittenberg, 1683): — De Signo S. Pauli Epistolarum ad 2 Thess. 3:17 (ibid. 1687): — De Paulo Athleta ad 1 Cor. 9:26 (ibid. 1688): — De Athenis Superstitiosis ad Actor. 17:22, 23 (ibid. eod.): — De Spiritu, Principes Eris ad Ephes. 2:2 (ibid. eod.):De Christi Servatoris Resurrectione Rom. 1:4, Alterius Nomine Scripta (ibid. eod.): — De Funesto Jude Exitu (ibid. 1689): — De Facto Hielis cum Dispendio Duorum Filiorum Hierichintem ZEdzficantis ad 1 Reg. 16:34 (ibid. eod.): — De Fonte Haeresium ad Col. 2:8 (ibid. 1691): — De Justificationis in V. ac N. Test. Ratione Una et Eadem (ibid. eod.), etc. See Jocher, Allgeneines Gelehrten-Lexikon, s.v.; Winer, Handbuch der theol. Lit. i, 132, 394. (B. P.)

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