
E'der (Hebrews id. עֵדֶר, a flock, as often), the name of a place and also of a man. SEE EDAR; SEE ADER.

1. (Sept. Ε᾿δραίν,Vat. MS. omits; Vulg. Eder.) A city in the extreme south of Judah, on the Idumaean border, mentioned between Kabzeel and Jagur (Jos 15:21); therefore, doubtless, one of those afterwards assigned to Simeon. Schwa z suggests (Palest. page 99) that it may be the same with ARAD SEE ARAD (q.v.), by a transposition of letters; but this is doubtful. Possibly it was situated on the eminence north of the fountain marked as "water" on Van de Velde's Map, in wady el-Ernez, S.W. of the Dead Sea.

2. (Sept. Ε᾿δέρ Vulg. Eder.) The second named of the three "sons" (i.e. descendants) of Mushi appointed to the Levitical offices in the time of David (1Ch 23:23; 1Ch 24:30). B.C. 1013.

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