
Eli'ashib (Hebrew Elyashib', אֶליָשַׁיב, whom God will restore; Sept. Ε᾿λιασεβών, Ε᾿λιαβί, Ε᾿λιασείβ, Ελιασούβ, etc.; Josephus Ε᾿λιάσιβος; (Vulg. Eliasub, Eliasib), a common name of Israelites, especially at the later period of the O.T. history.

1. A priest in the time of king David; head of the eleventh "course" in the order of the "governors" (שָׂדִיס) of the sanctuary (1Ch 24:12). B.C. 1013.

2. A Levitical singer who repudiated his Gentile wife after the exile (Ezr 10:24). B.C. 458.

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3. An Israelite of the lineage of Zattu, who did the same (Ezr 10:27). B.C. 458.

4. An Israelite of the lineage of Bani, who did the same (Ezr 10:36). B.C. 458.

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5. The high-priest of the Jews in the time of Nehemiah (Ne 12:28). B.C. 446. With the assistance of his fellow-priests, he rebuilt the eastern city wall adjoining the Temple (Ne 3:1). His own extensive mansion was doubtless situated in the same vicinity, probably on the ridge Ophel (Nehemiah in, 20,21). SEE JERUSALEM. Eliashib was in some way allied (קָיוֹב=near) to Tobiah the Ammonite, for whom he had prepared an ante-room in the Temple, a desecration which excited the pious indignation of Nehemiah (Ne 13:4,7). One of the grandsons of Eliashib had also married the daughter of Sanballat the Horonite (Ne 13:28). There seems no reason to doubt that the same Eliashib is referred to in Ezr 10:6, as the father of Johanan, who occupied an apartment in the Temple (comp. Josephus, Ant. 11:5, 4). He is evidently the same with the son of Joiakim and father of Joiada (Josephus, "Judas," Ant. 11:7, 1), in the succession of high-priests (Ne 12:10,22). SEE HIGH-PRIEST.

6. A son of Elioenai, and member of the latest family of the lineage of Zerubbabel, mentioned in the Old Test. (1Ch 3:24). B.C. 406.

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