
Eli'athah (Hebrew Elia'thah, אֵליא תָה, 1Ch 25:4, or Eliya'thah, אֵַליּ תָה, verse 27, to whom God will come; Sept. Ε᾿λιαθά v.r. Ε᾿λιάθ, Vulg. Eliatha), the eighth named of the fourteen sons of the Levite Heman, and a musician in the Temple in the time of king David (1Ch 25:4), who, with twelve of his sons and brethren, had the twentieth division of the Temple-service (25:27). B.C. 1013. In Jerome's Quaest. Hebr. on verse 27, the name is given as Eliaba, and explained accordingly; but not so in the Vulgate.

Bible concordance for ELIATHAH.

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