Enfield William, Lld

Enfield William, LL.D., an English Dissenter and voluminous writer, was born at Sudbury March 29, 1741, and was educated at Daventry under Dr. Ashworth. On leaving the seminary he became pastor to a congregation at Liverpool. He afterwards became resident tutor and lecturer on belles-lettres at Warrington Academy. In 1785 he became minister of the Unitarian Church at Norwich, where he died November 3, 1797. Among his numerous publications were

(1) A History of Philosophy, drawn up from Brucker (London 1819, 2 volumes, 8vo): —

(2) The Preachers' Directory (London, 1771, 4to): —

(3) Sermons for Families (London 1778, 2 volumes, 12mo): —

(4) The English Preaches (London 9 volumes, 12mo). He was a frequent contributor to periodicals, and shared with Dr. Aikin in the preparation of the General Biographical Dictionary.

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