
Enmity "opposition; very bitter, deep-rooted, irreconcilable hatred and variance. Such a constant enmity there is between the followers of Christ and Satan; nay, there is some such enmity between mankind and some serpents (Ge 3:15). Friendship with this world, in its wicked members and lusts, is enmity with God — is opposed to the love of him, and amounts to an actual exerting of ourselves to dishonor and abuse him (Jas 4:4; 1Jo 2:15-16). The carnal mind, or minding of fleshly and sinful things, is enmnity against God — is opposed to his nature and will in the highest degree, and, though it may be removed, cannot be reconciled to him, nor he to it (Ro 8:7-8). The ceremonial law is called enmity: it marked God's enmity against sin by demanding atonement for it; it occasioned men's enmity against God by its burdensome services, and was an accidental source of standing variance between Jews and Gentiles: or perhaps the enmity here meant is the state of variance between God and men, whereby he justly loathed and hated them as sinful, and condemned them to punishment; and they wickedly hated him for his holy excellence, retributive justice, and sovereign goodness: both are slain and abolished by the death of Christ (Eph 2:15-16)."

Definition of enmity

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