
Equitius a lay abbot of many monasteries, both male and female, in the province of Valeria, who liv.ed in the 6th century. The year both of his birth and death are unknown. He had not taken orders, but was nevertheless very active in preaching. He was therefore denounced at Rome, and the pope summoned him before his tribunal, but the great and general reputation of Equitius induced the pope to dismiss the case. Equitius led a very ascetic life, and is said to have always, during his many travels, carried the Bible with him. According to Baronius, pope Gregory I was a monk according to the rule of St. Equitius, but this is denied by other writers. — Herzog, Real-Encykl. 4:113; Wetzer u. Welte, Kirchen-Lexikon, 3:638. (A.J.S.)

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