Ethiopian Woman

Ethiopian Woman (Hebrews Kshith', כֻּשַׁית, fem. of Cushite; Sept. Αἰθιοπίσσα, Vulg. AEthiopissa). Zipporah, the wife of Moses, is so described in Nu 12:1. She is elsewhere said to have been the daughter of a Midianite (Ex 2:21, compared with 16), and, in consequence of this, Ewald and others have suppiosed that the allusion is to another wife whom Moses married after the death of Zipporah; but the Arabian Ethiopia is probably referred to in this case. SEE ZIPPORAH.


(כּוּשׁ, Isa 20:4; Jer 46:9, כּוּשַׁי; Sept. Αἰθίοπες, Vulg. Ethiopia, Ethiopes), properly "Cush" or "Ethiopia" in two passages (Isa 20:4; Jer 46:9); elsewhere "Cushites," or inhabitants of Ethiopia (2Ch 12:3; 2Ch 14:12 [11], 13 [12]; 16:8; 21:16; Da 11:43; Am 9:7; Zep 2:12). SEE CUSHITE.

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