
Eudoxius an Arian, and bishop of Constantinople, was born at Arabissus, in Armenia, first mentioned as bishop of Germanicia (near Mount Taurus). About 356 he obtained by artifice the patriarchate of Antioch, where he soon came forward as a patron of the Aetians (Theodoret, H.E. book 2, chapters 25, 26). Sozomen says that "when Eudoxius found himself in possession of the Church of Antioch he ventured to uphold the Aetian heresy openly. He assembled in Antioch all those who held the same opinions as himself, among whom were Acacius, bishop of Caesarea in Palestine, and Uranius, bishop of Tyre, and rejected the terms of 'like substance' and 'con-

substantial,' under the pretext that they had been denounced by the Western bishops" (H.E. book 2, chapter 12). Although he was deposed at the synod of Seleucia, yet he does not appear to have ever vacated his see; and on Macedonius being ejected from the see of Constantinople, says Socrates, Eudoxius, who now despised that of Antioch, was promoted to the vacant bishopric (H.E. book 2, c. 43). He obtained the see of Constantinople in 359, and retained it until his death in 370. Some fragments remain of a treatise of his De Incarnatione Dei Verbi. — Hook, Eccl. Biog. 5:7; Neander, Ch. Hist. 2:403-11; Cave, Hist.Lit. (Geneva, 1720), 1:138.

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