
Eutychius patriarch of Alexandria, was born at Fostat (ancient Cairo) in 876. His Arabic name was Said-ibn-Batrik. He was originally a physician, applied himself to the study of theology towards the close of his life, and was elected Melchite (or orthodox) patriarch of Alexandria in 933, and died about A.D. 946. He wrote, in Arabic, a Chronicle or Annals from the creation of the world to A.D. 937, under the Arabic title Nathm-el- Gauhar, String of Pearls; translated and edited by E. Pococke under the title Contextio Gemmarum, sive Annales, Arab. et Lat. (Oxonii. 1658-59, some copies 1656-64, 2 volumes, 4to): — Fragmenta duo de Paschate, et de SS. Eucharistice institutione (in Mai, Script. Vet. 9:623). Selden published an extract under the title Ecclesie sure origines, ex Arabico cum vers. Lat. (Lond. 1642, 4to), to which Abraham Ecchelensis replied in Eutychius Vindicatus, sive Responsio ad J. Seldeni Origines (Romans 1661, 4to). — Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, 16:810; Graesse, Tresor de Livres Rares, 1:530.

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