Evans, Jonathan

Evans, Jonathan an English Congregational minister, was born at Coventry about 1748. He was converted in 1778 or 1779, and shortly after began to work with much earnestness for the salvation of his irreligious neighbors. In 1782 he turned his attention more particularly to the parish of Foleshill, near Coventry, and was so successful as to purchase, in 1784, a building for a place of worship, and eventually a chapel was built. In 1796 a church was formed, chiefly of those who were the fruits of his ministry, of which he was ordained pastor, April 4, 1797. He died August 31, 1809. Mr. Evans was a plain, earnest preacher, and very successful in winning souls. He was the author of three fine hymns, commencing, "Come, thou soul transforming spirit," "Hark! the voice of love and mercy," "Let saints on earth their anthems raise." See (Lond.) Evangelical Magazine, 1847, page 128.

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