Ewing, Alexander, Dcl

Ewing, Alexander, D.C.L.

a Scotch bishop, was born in Aberdeen, March 25, 1814. He was educated at a private school in Chelsea and at the University of Edinburgh, but, owing to his delicate health and ample inheritance, he did not adopt a profession on leaving school. He began preparation for the ministry in 1836, and entered into priest's orders in 1841, when he took charge of the Episcopal congregation at Forres. He remained in this position until 1846, when he was elected first bishop of the newly restored diocese of Argyll and the Isles, the duties of which office he discharged till his death, May 22, 1873. His theological views were communicated to the world in the form of letters to the newspapers, pamphlets, special sermons, essays contributed to the series of Present Day Papers, of which he was the editor, and a volume of sermons entitled Revelation considered as Light. He also published the Cathedral or Abbey Church of Iona (1865). See Memoir, by Ross (1877); Encyclop. Brit. (9th ed.), s.v.

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