
Fence (Ps 62:3), גָּדֵר, gader', a wall (q.v.) rather than hedge (as elsewhere generally rendered). The Hebrews use two terms to denote a fence of different kinds: נָּדֵר, goder', or גּדֵרָה, gederah', and משׂוּכָה, mesukah'. According to Vitringa, the latter denotes the outer thorny fence of the vineyard, and the former the inner wall of stones surrounding it. The chief use of the former was to keep off men, and of the latter to keep off beasts, not only from gardens, vineyards, etc., but also from the flocks at night (see Pr 15:19; Pr 24:31). SEE HEDGE. From this root the Phoenicians called any enclosed place guddir, and particularly gave this name to their settlement in the south-western coast of Spain, which the Greeks from them called Γάθειρα, the Romans Gades, and the moderns Cadiz. SEE GEDERAH. In Eze 13:5; Eze 22:30 gader appears to denote the fortifications of a city; and in Ps 62:3, the wicked are compared to a tottering fence and bowing wall; i.e. their destruction comes suddenly upon them. Fenced cities (see below) were such as were fortified. SEE AGRICULTURE.

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