Fenner, William, Bd

Fenner, William, B.D.

an English Puritan, was born in 1600, and was educated at Pembroke Hall, Cambridge. He was appointed rector of Rochford, Essex, in 1629, and died about 1640. He was a very popular preacher, and his works, which have become very scarce, are written in a plain, earnest, and impressive style. The principal are, A Treatise of the Affections; or the Soul's Pulse (Lond. 1641, 8vo) :-The Sacrifice of the Faithful; or the Nature, Property, and Efficacy of zealous Prayer (Lond. 1648, sm. 8vo) :-The spiritual Man's Directory, guiding to true Blessedness in his three maine Duties (Lond. 1649, sm. 8vo), collected, with other writings, in his Works (Lond. 1658, 1 vol. in 2, fol.).--Darling, Cyclopcedia Bibliographica, s.v.

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