Fisher, Edward

Fisher, Edward an English Protestant theologian, was born in 1597, and was educated at Oxford, where he became a gentleman commoner in 1627. He taught a school at Caermarthen, in Wales, and died in Ireland. He was a strong Calvinist. His Marrow of Modern Divinity, published in 1644, excited a vigorous controversy when republished in Scotland by Hogg (1718, 8vo). It went through numerous editions (12th ed. Lond. 1726, with notes by Thomas Boston, 2 vols. 8vo). fisher also wrote Appeal to the Conscience (Oxford, 1644, 8vo)':-Feast of Asses (1644, 4to) :--Caveat to the Sabbatarians (1650, 4to).-Allibone, Dictionary of Authors, s.v.; Hagenbach, History of Doctrines, ed. Smith, ii, 431. SEE MARROW CONTROVERSY.

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