Fisher, Richard Adams

Fisher, Richard Adams a minister of the German Reformed Church, was born in Berks Co., Pa., Oct. 25, 1805. Having finished his preparatory studies under his own pastor, Rev. F. Herman, Jr., he began the study of theology with Rev. Dr. Hermsan; was licensed and ordained in 1826. He took charge of the German Reformed congregation in Sunbury, Pa., together with several affiliated churches, in 1827, and continued in this field of labor till 1854, when failing health. compelled him to resign. Recovering somewhat, he labored a short time in Lyken's Valley, Dauphin Co., Pa., where he died Jan. 27, 1857. Mr. Fisher had- a good mind, was a logical and instructive preacher, a genial and kind friend, and was greatly beloved throughout the church in which be labored. He preached well in -both the German and English languages. (H. H.)

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