
Flatt a name borne -by several theological writers of Germany.

I. JOHANN JAKOB, born at Balisgen in 1724, studied theology at Tubingen, and became tutor in that university in 1749. He was successively appointed deacon of Leonberg in 1753, of Tubingen in 1757, of. St. Leonard's Church at Stuttgsard in 1759, pastor in the latter city in- 1781, court preacher in 1783, counsellor of the Consistory in 1784, and abbot of Herrnalb in 1791 He died Sept. 16, 1792. - His principal works are: Meletemata philosophico-theologica ad melterias gravissimas (de imputatiome peccati Adamitici: —De vicaria Christi satisfactione: -De humanae Christi nature omnipraesentia [Tub. 1759]):-Untersuchung. v. d. Sunde wider d. Heiligen Geist (Lpz. 1770).

II. JOHANN FRIEDRICH, son of the foregoing, was born at Tubingen Feb. 20, 1759, became professor of theology in the university of his native city in 1798, and died Nov. 24, 1821. His principal writings are Versuche theolog.-kritisch-philosophischen Inhalts (Lpz. 1785):-Beistrage z. Bestimmung, etc. d. Causalitat (Lpz. 1788) .-Briefe, u. d. moralischen Erkenntnissgrunde der Religion (Tub: 1789) :-Vorlesungen u. christliche Moral, herausgeg. v. Steudel (Tub. 1823) :-Opuscula Academica,

Definition of flat

herausgeg. v. Susskind (Tub. 1826):-Magazin fur christlche Dogmatik u. Moral (Tub. 1796-1810). Hoffmann and Kling have also published his Vorlesungen u. d. Brief a. d. Romer (Tubing. 1825):-a. d. Korintsher (1827):-a. d. Galater end Ep/heser (1828):-a. d. Philipper, Kolosser, Thessalonicher u. Philemon (1829):a. d. Timotheus s. Titus (1831).- Doering, Gelehrte Theologen Deutschlands, i, 408.

III. KARL CHRISTIAN, brother of the preceding, was born at Stuttgard in 1772. He became in 1812 high counsellor of the Consistoray and prebendary of Stuttgard, counsellor of the university in 1813, prelate in 1822, and general superintendent at Ulm in 1828. He resigned his office in 1842, and died in 1843. He wrote, in connection with Storr, Lehrbuch d. chrsstl. Dogmatik (2d ed., 1813, 2 vols.; tranasl. by Schmucker, Staor and Flatt's Biblical Theology, Andover, 2d ed., 1836); and published, in connection with Ewald, the Zeitschrift z. Nahrung christlichen Sinns (1815-1819, 3 vols.).-Pierer, Universal-Lexikon, s.v.

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