Foot Joseph Ives, Dd

Foot Joseph Ives, D.D., a Presbyterian minister, and president of Washington College, Tenn., was born at Watertown, Connecticut, November 17, 1796, and graduated at Union College in 1821. Having passed through the usual theological course at Andover, he was licensed in 1824, and ordained as an evangelist, when he went to South Carolina, and labored successfully for some months. Returning to New England, he preached for some time at Boston, and at a later period was called to the Congregational church at West Brookfield, Mass. From this charge he obtained a dismission in 1831 on account of ill health, and in 1833 accepted a call from Salina, N.Y., where he continued for two years, and then accepted a call to Cortlandt. Here he opposed with much ability the system of perfectionism then prevalent, on which he wrote an able article in the Literary and Theological Review (1834). In 1837 he removed to Westport, Conn., and while there he joined the Presbyterian Church, with which he remained connected during his life. In 1839 he accepted a call to the Presbyterian church of Knoxville, Tennessee. He was connected with the Presbyteries of Bedford and Geneva, and with the Old- school Church, and while at Knoxville was elected to the presidency of Washington College. He was on his way to be inaugurated as president of the college when he was killed by a fall from his horse, April 20, 1840. He published The prominent Trait in Teachers of false Religion (1828):— A historical Discourse (1828):— Sermons on Intemperance (1828):— Three

Sermons on Perfectionism (1834). A Memoir, with a selection from his MS. sermons, was published by his brother (1841, 8vo) — Sprague, Annals, 4:669.

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