Frachet Gerard De

Frachet Gerard De, a monkish ecclesiastical historian, was born at Chalus (Limousin), in France, about the beginning of the 13th century, and died at Limoges October 4, 1271. He entered the Dominican order in 1225, and filled in succession the posts of prior of the convent of Limoges (1233-45), then of that of Marseilles, provincial of Provence (1251-9), and (1266) was chosen assistant (definiteur) provincial by the chapter of Limoges. He wrote (according to Lacordaire), by the order of the chapter general which assembled at Paris in 1256, Vitae Fratrum ordinis Praedicatorum (Douay, 1619, and Valence, 1657): — Chronicon ab initio Mundi; and left, besides, some manuscripts, — Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Genesis 18:421-2.

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