Frohne, Johann Adolph


a Lutheran theologian of Germany, was born January 11, 1652. He studied at Jena, where he also lectured for some time. In 1678 he accepted a call as rector to Lemgo, was in 1680 preacher there, and succeeded his father in 1691 as preacher at Muihlhausen. In 1692 he went to Giessen, and presented for the degree of theologine licentiatus, De Fide ut Dispositione Meritoria ad Justificationem contra Pontificios. In 1693 he received the theological doctorate, and died November 12, 1713. He published, Grundlicher Beweis des geistlichen Priesterthums (Muhlhausen, 1703, against which Eilmar wrote his Grundliche Erorterung der Lehre von dem geistlichen Priesterthum, 1704): — Recht des geistlichen Priesters (written against Eilmar, 1705): — Theologia Definitiva (Frankfort-on-the- Main, 1707). See Walch, Bibl. Theol. 2:765 sq.; Jocher, Allgemeines Gelehrten- Lexikon, s.v. (B.P.)

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