Gerbais Jean

Gerbais Jean, doctor of the Sorbonne, was born at Rupois in 1629, and became professor of rhetoric at the royal college of Paris, 1662, and principal of the college of Rheims, where he died in 1699. He was commissioned lay the French clergy to publish the Decisions touchant les Reguliers (decreed in the assembly of 1645), with Hallier's notes. He wrote,

1. De Causis Majoribus (1679, 4to), in which he ably supports the liberties of the Gallican Church, and maintains that episcopal causes ought to be first judged by the metropolitan, and the bishops in his province; Innocent XI condemned this work in 1680: —

2. Traite du Pouvoir de L'eglise et des Princes sur les empechemens du Marriage (A Treatise on the authority of Kings over the hinderances to Marriage, 1690, 4to): —

3. Lettres touchant le Picule des Religeux (1698, 12mo): —

4. A translation of the treatise by Panoremus on the Council of Basle (8vo): —

5. Lettre sur la Comedie (12mo): —

6. Lettre sur les Dorures et le Luxe tes Habits des Femmes. — Dulpin, Eccles. Writers, cent. 17; Hook, Eccles. Biog. 5:299; Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, 20:186; Niceron, Memoires, tom. 14.

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