Graham, Charles

Graham, Charles an Irish Wesleyan missionary, was born at Tullinnagrackin, near Sligo, August 20, 1750. After laboring for twenty-one years as a local preacher, he was, in 1790, appointed by Wesley as a missionary in Ireland. Few of the Irish preachers had severer trials from mobs than Graham, but he courageously met them. For six years he and Ouseley traversed Ireland together, bringing the light into its darkest quarters. Graham afterwards labored in Ulster, Armagh, Kilkenny, Wicklow, Wexford, and other places. He died suddenly near Athlone, April 23, 1824. His powerful appeals to his street congregations were pathetic, and sometimes overwhelming; the multitudes heard, trembled, and fell before him. See Stevens, Hist. of Methodism, 3:131, 409 sq., 416 sq., 435; George Smith, Hist. of Wesleyan Methodism, volume 2 (see Index, volume 3); William Smith, Hist. of Wesleyan Methodism in Ireland, page 286; Minutes of the British Conference, 1824; Reilly, Ouseley (N.Y. 1848); Arthur, Life of Ouseley (Lond. and N.Y. 1876); Campbell, Life of Charles Graham (Dublin, 1868, 12mo; Toronto, 1869).

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