Grasser, Johann Jacob

Grasser, Johann Jacob a Swiss historian and theologian, was born February 21, 1579, at Basle. He studied a long time in France, and became three years later professor at Nimes. In 1607 he received at Padua the title of a count-palatine, of a knight and Roman citizen. He then went to England, and on his return accepted, in his own country, the functions of a pastor in the village of Bernwyl, and afterwards at Basle, where he was connected with the Church of St. Theodor. He died at the latter place, March 21, 1627. Some of his principal works are, Εἰδύλλιον, Ielvetice Laudem Complectens, etc. (Basle, 1598): — De Antiquitatibus Nemansensibus (Cologne, 1572): —Ecclesia Orientalis et Meridionalis (Strasburg, 1613): — Itinerarium Historico-Politicum per Celebres Helveticae, etc. (Basle, 1614): — Chronicon der Waldenser (1623), and other works on the history of Italy, France, England, and Switzerland. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.

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