Gregory XI (Pierre Roger), Pope

Gregory XI. (Pierre Roger), Pope, born in 1329 at Maumont, in France, was nephew to Clement VI, who made him cardinal at eighteen years of age, and gave him many rich benefices. He was elected pope December 30, 1370, and removed the papal court from Avignon to Rome in 1377. Wicliffe visited this pope at Avignon, and went back to England disgusted with the vices of the priesthood. Gregory opposed all "heresies" violently; he condemned Raymond Lull (q.v.) and his doctrines by a bull dated January 25, 1376, caused the burning of Jeanne Daubenton, and condemned the writings of Wicliffe. His pontificate was marked by gross nepotism. He died suddenly, March 28. 1378. — Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Genesis 21:817.

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