Griffin, Nathaniel Herrick, Dd

Griffin, Nathaniel Herrick, D.D.

a Presbyterian minister, was born at Southampton, L.I., December 28, 1814. He graduated from Williams College, Mass., in 1834; spent two years in Princeton Theological Seminary; was a tutor in his alma mater in 1836-37; became thereafter stated supply successively at Westhampton, N.Y., and at Franklin; was ordained by the Presbytery June 27, 1839; was pastor at Delhi; acted as assistant professor in Williams College (1841-42), and: as a teacher in Brooklyn (1843-46), professor of Latin and Greek in Williams College (1846-53), of Greek (185357), a teacher in Williamstown, Mass. (1857-68), librarian there (1868-76), and died in that place, October 16, 1876. See Genesis Cat. of Princeton Theol. Sem. 1881, page 99.

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